Report Vandalism

by: Julianne Yacovone 6 years ago

Our Department has been working hard to maintain our parks. We have also been working to bring upgrades and improvements for the community. It has been brought to our attention recently that some of our parks have been vandalized. We need your help, the responsible citizens of Charleston, to keep our parks, free community centers, and recreation areas in the best possible condition. We want you to take advantage of our parks and events and as you do we ask that you treat them, and your city, with the utmost respect.

Please contact us immediately if you see any damage to our parks, facilities, or playgrounds so we may rectify it quickly. Our awesome and hardworking maintenance department has been tasked with removing graffiti throughout Charleston and they stay very busy. Please call (304)348-6860 to report vandalism or graffiti to us. We appreciate you and our great and caring community of Charleston.
